The following is the logo of which I am more or less settled to implicate into the design of my front cover.
I chose overall to make present an element of uniqueness about my logo design, aligning with the context of the magazine belonging to a sub-genre of indie/rock (electronic indie). I wanted in the simplist of terms to have a logo which above all stands out, un touched by the dozens of magazines on it's left and right. This would in marketing and presentation values prove to be pivotal in selling of the magazine to petentual buyers. But why "Reverb" you ask? Reverb to me captures the very element of technology, relevant due to it's overwhelming part in the production of the likes of electronic indie. "Reverb" refers to a frequently used audio effect present in most common music editing programs (e.g audacity), being that of an echo or prelonging the depth of sound. But quite simply, Reverb is simple, short and snappy. Following in the style of one word magazine phrasing such as "Kerrang" and "Clash", such a word bears a staple in a customers mind. They don't have to remember it. It simply just "sticks" to you.
When I eventually finish the likes of my front cover, I may however come to differ this logo design, adding possible implications such as audio waves behind the logo to tie into the theme of audio technology and electronic indie.
Useful information, A unique and memorable Custom Logo Designs is actually a smart design with intelligent ideas brilliantly gathered together in an image to represent a product, brand or an organization. Thanks for sharing this.